Anything that needs to be built or created will find its way in

You can be assured of finding all news, events, and all related happenings in the world of real estate and infrastructure here. Besides that, we also cover some of the emerging trends and the Johnny-come-latelies that are plonking themselves in construction realising that the technology and innovation they have on offer could act as a trigger to faster completion of projects.

While we are not too savvy on the deeds of developers, we might consider pointing them in the right direction through notable achievements of peers, and also others. Philanthropic stories always warm the cockles of one’s heart and Indians need to do that more often, especially developers.

But we also need to eat. So you will find (what some may consider mundane) stories on construction equipment, machinery, that are the core to the industry and who provide us with our bread and butter.

Like we said, we are the be-all and end-all for all news related to construction and infrastructure.